Pattern For Glory
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$ 10.00
Dr. Mark Kauffman: "There are a few authorities in the apostolic movement who could offer such insight, foresight, and balanced perspective of the times and seasons that we are in like Dr. John. This masterpiece “Pattern For Glory” is a spiritual GPS to lead the church of Jesus Christ into the age of glory!"
Dr. Ron Cottle: "I recommend this book to every believer in Christ at whatever stage or level of spiritual maturity you have reached... Thanks, John! This book will be a great tool of ministry and inspiration for life leaders everywhere, both inside and outside the local church..."
Pastor Josh Morgan: "The brilliant details written within this book map the path and the pattern for the ekklesia to obtain and live in the manifested glory."
Dr. Rena Perozich: "In pure Dr. John Polis fashion this is a pastor's handbook for building a strong and healthy last days church. It is scripturally based and easy to read, understand, and put into action."